Cherry Bomb Centipede (Scolopendra dehaani)


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We have Cherry Bomb Centipedes for sale at American Reptile Distributors!
Description: These bright red centipedes are fascinating, fast, active pets that are not to be handled. They are best for advanced hobbyists. These arthropods have up to 15 pairs of legs and feed primarily on other living creatures like insects and spiders. These critters are extremely fast and can be aggressive.
Species: Scolopendra dehaani
Origin: Field Collected
Size:  Adults can reach 7-9 inches.
Natural Range: Native to the Malaysian rainforests and the tropical regions of Vietnam. They usually prefer moist habitats or areas of high humidity.
Food: Worms, vitamin dusted crickets, and Dubia roaches.
Lifespan: 10+ years

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